AcWriMo: a new (to me!) kind of outline

i love an outline - i'm definitely on the record with that! but also it can be really hard to outline text that isn't written yet, especially if you're the kind of thinker and writer where those activities happen concurrently. 

a community member (shout out to katie!) introduced me to this "inquiry based" outline and i'm obsessed! basically, the idea is that you start to structure your argument with the main questions that you have around your central argument, and you use those (and follow up!) questions to start to section out parts of the writing. 

you can use the clickable and fillable outline here - a big thank you to Dr. Alan Kilma - his website is but it looks like it's been dormant for a few years while he....writes fiction? cool! 

what i love the most about this tool - and any variations you might experiment with yourself - is that your organize the writing around the questions that you're answering with your writing. so many of us will research and read and research and read until we've "answered" everything, but i have been trying for years and never gotten to the "everything answered" stage!! so this helps you start to see the structure earlier, or at least one possible structure, which in turn helps you put some boundaries around what you will and won't investigate during your research process. 

AcWriMo: what i do while drafting / what i do in revising